L’artiste travaille à l’acrylique et à l’huile, et utilise également de la résine, ce qui donne aux tableaux un aspect patiné. Dans ce dossier qui explore la question de la relation à l’autre, ses toiles aux couleurs vives, tranchantes, montrent des personnages sans visage, au regard brouillé, dans des situations ou interactions très quotidiennes. Leurs attitudes révèlent leurs sentiments, leur inconfort, leur quête, leur activité aussi : « Je veux traduire l’essence de l’expression, qu’elle passe par le corps, le regard ou le mouvement. »
Ces personnages expriment la tension dramatique de la vie mais aussi son côté burlesque, empli d’agitation fébrile. Comment rencontrer l’autre dans un univers codifié, dont chacun est comme prisonnier ? Ses toiles interrogent, bousculent et sont attachantes. Carme Albaigès n’admet aucune concession et veut transmettre un message critique et permanent, cri d’alerte sur la condition humaine.
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« Dona » - Peinture, résine sur bois - Galerie Gilles Naudin |
Carme Albaiges is a painter, a sculptor, a photographer. Sharp and sophisticated, rational and passionate, this artist has the strong will, throughout a prolific body of works, to characterize human experience and perform an autopsy on feelings: "I try to reflect the feelings, passions, concerns, doubt, the lack of congruence... My paintings want to express incomprehension before a strange, gigantic universe, in which the individual is immersed and which is not always understandable by him. For me, the world is absurd, I am trying to give shape to this feeling in my work."
The artist works with acrylic and oil, and also uses resin, which gives a patina to paintings. In this file exploring the question of the relationship towards the other, her paintings with bright, sharp colours, show faceless characters with a blurred look, in very day-to-day situations or interactions. Their attitudes reveal their feelings, their discomfort, their quest, so do their activity: "I want to translate the essence of the expression, may it be through the body, the eyes or the movement."
These characters express the dramatic tension of life but also its burlesque side, full of feverish agitation. How to meet the other in a codified universe, of which each is a prisoner? Her paintings make us wonder, shake up and they are endearing. Carme Albaigès admits no concession and wants to convey a critical and permanent message, a warning cry about the human condition.
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